Friday, August 29, 2008

MICROSOFT product ..without any bugs ??

Hellozz.. friends I have received a mail from my friend saying the above picture is of Bill gates's daughter. You all must be very curious of the above statement and some of you might be familiar with this photo recently.
I had actually do some research and surfing online to find out the truth.

I got a link (, i came to know that gate's eldest daughter was just 12 years old! and her name is Jennifer Katherine and was born on 26-Apr-1996.When gates had married he was 39 years old .

Bill Gates children is:

* Jennifer Katharine Gates, his daughter born in 1996
* Rory John Gates, his son born in 1999
* Phoebe Adele Gates, his daughter born in 2002

Now question rounding in my mind is who is this girl........?

If anybody knows just write a reply in my blog....:)

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